Calm + Bright - Day 6
Festive season self-care
As paradoxical as it sounds, it is when we are the busiest that it is the most important that we create time for some self-care.
Neglecting to look after ourselves during the festive season can lead to the kind of deep exhaustion that potentially manifests itself in pretty unpleasant ways (i.e. family gathering melt downs, ugly crying in the car at the supermarket carpark, telling your boss what you really think of them after too much champagne etc).
As much as you may enjoy a late night Netflix binge or a session of Instagram scrolling, these kinds of activities don't generally refuel our tank. Self-care looks like doing something that allows you to truly rest, relax and restore.
If you've hung around this space for a while now, you'll know that the ethos behind Nourish and Nest is all about enjoying small rituals, achievable moments of self-care, accessible to anyone.
Perhaps take a moment today to think of a few simple self-care rituals and then create a small pocket each day to mindfully and intentionally partake in one.
We're all individuals and what works for one may not for another, but here are some simple examples of self-care that work for me:
- Taking a bath, even if I only have 10 minutes to spare. I love to add bergamot, ylang ylang and lavender oils and to use a Lemongrass Nourishing Body Bar.
- Sitting in the sun and sipping a Refresh tea
- Doing a few restorative yoga poses (legs up the wall is an instant calmer for me)
- Giving myself a massage with olive or macadamia oil (and a few drops of the aforementioned essential oils), making sure to include my scalp, before jumping in the shower.
How can you care for yourself today?
Wishing you a peaceful, happy Christmas,
Tara x